Is a DIY Water Feature a Good Idea? | Riverbend Sandler

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Is a DIY Water Feature a Good Idea?

Water features are an attractive addition to any pool, but is it worth the hassle to complete the installation of a water feature on your own? Like all DIY projects, you need to carefully compare the pros and cons of handling the job without the help of a professional. You will have to consider the cost, the amount of time needed, the materials that are required and the complexity of the installation. Before you start purchasing piping, pumps and other materials to begin constructing your own fountain or other water feature, learn if a Do-It-Yourself water feature is really a good idea.

Can You Save Money?

The main reason that most homeowner have for considering a DIY project is that they would potentially save money. Well, this may not be entirel true when discussing the installation of a water feature. During your DIY project, you will need to purchase all the necessary materials needed to construct the water feature. Additionally, you could end up requiring special equipment that you need to rent or purchase. Professional pool companies will already have the required tools and equipment and will probably be bale to get the materials at a lower cost than consumers. With professional installation, you will have to cover parts and labor, but when everything is laid out, you really aren’t going to be saving much money by tackling this project on your own.

Benefits of Installing a Water Feature On Your Own

Now that we have covered whether you an save money by completing the installation of a water feature on your own, you should be aware that there are some potential dangers with this project. Your pool has a carefully constructed finish or liner that prevents cracking and leaks. When installing any piece of equipment that need to tamper with your pool surface, care must be taken ti prevent leaks. Even small leaks could lead to major cracks and severe damage to your pool. Avoid these problems by seeking professional installation.

Potential Dangers of DIY Water Feature Installation

In the end, while you could possibly install a water feature on your own, you may not be able to ensure your pool is properly sealed. This could lead to leaks and substantial cracks in your pool liner or your pool. Compared to the cost of repairing a severely damaged pool, the installation of a water feature by professionals is a relatively affordable renovation. Your best option is adding a coll water feature to your pool is to seek help from the experts.

For professional water feature installation and other pool design solutions, contact Riverbend Sandler Pools.

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Riverbend Sandler is a Dallas pool builder, remodel and service provider, serving Plano, Dallas and surrounding areas for over 30 years. Riverbend Sandler is an award winning pool builder providing quality construction and excellent customer service for over 30 years.
With the mission of “Creating Lifetime Pools for Lifetime Customers”, Riverbend Sandler Pools remains a family-run company dedicated to the ideals that only a personal commitment can uphold. Through award-winning design, high-tech construction processes, conscientious customer care and on-going support, we pride ourselves on keeping customers for life!
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