Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas | Riverbend Sandler

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Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Everyone likes saving some money when possible. Luckily, as a homeowner, there are a lot of different ways to cut corners and save money on projects and renovations around your property. Using cost effective landscaping solutions, you can stick to your budget and limit the amount of maintenance that is needed to keep your yard looking beautiful. Here are some low maintenance landscaping ideas that any homeowner should be able to handle.

Grass Alternatives

The first method of limiting yard maintenance is to consider grass alternatives. Regular lawn grass grows from spring to fall, requiring constant mowing and trimming. Whether you hire a lawn service or cut your own grass, it is time consuming and sometimes costly chore that can be avoided by replacing grass with grass alternatives.

There are many different options for replacing your grass. For starters, there are various ground cover plants to consider. Clovers and other low ground plants can cover a large area and require no trimming or maintenance.

Natural staycation

Using Rocks, Stones and Pebbles

On of the great things about rocks is that they absolutely require no maintenance and come in a large assortment of sizes and styles. You can use large rocks as filter or ground cover. Removing the grass immediately around the perimeter of your property and filling in the area with stones can help divert rain runoff from your roof and prevent flooding or water damage in your basement.

Vibrant Shrubbery and Hardy Plants

Flowers are no the only way to bring more color to your yard. There are many species of shrubs and hedges that have colorful flowers and leaves and grows on different times of the year. This lets you fill your yard with color without having to deal with the hassle of planting and caring for flower beds and other flower arrangements.

Other low maintenance landscaping ideas that you could consider include limiting plant life that requires regular care. Whenever you are trying to decide what to do with your yard, carefully weigh in the amount of maintenance that will be involved. With smart planning and careful thought, you can easily create a beautiful yard while limiting the amount of time you need to spend caring for it.

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